Dive Munda Introduces Phase 2 of their Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign

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Dive Munda Introduces Phase 2 of their Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign

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Press Release

We are thrilled to launch Phase 2 of our Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign! #sponsorshipcampaign

In case you missed the awesome news, with your help and support we were able to train 105 local Solomon Island Youth (60% female) by the end of Jan, 2021!

You can continue to sponsor your youth or contribute via our ClicknDonate fundraiser campaign to help us continue the work we have started with our amazing youth in 2020. As our borders remain closed, we want to ensure our youth continue to dive and train.... It will be near impossible for our youth to afford this, we will work with our sponsors, partners, ambassadors and guests to ensure our youth stays active in diving.

This is how you can help! Do something good during this lingering #COVID19 crisis!

  1. Donate via our dedicated Dive Munda ClicknDonate project page here
  2. Simply pick any one of the projects below and let us know in what way you want to participate via the Email link below.


  1. Work with a group of 12 local girls certified under phase 1 to start off the Munda plastic recycling project, making arts and crafts for sale from the rubbish and plastic collected in and around Munda (above and below the water). We have already partnered and secured some funding from PlasticWise Solomon Islands to help launch the training component of this project.

  2. We will work with a group of 15 local Munda certified youth to spearhead our coral restoration and rehabilitation program started last year with reefdivers.io With your help, we will start with the SSI Coral ID Ecological course certification component during closed borders. Practical training will commence once borders re-open and we can bring expertise from abroad in to help us further expand our existing coral nursery at Alice in Wonderland Reef and add another coral nursery at Sosu Hite Reef. We also invite you to visit us on the other side of all of this as we launch our “volunteerism” program to help plant, maintain and grow our coral restoration gardens. 

  3. With your donation, we will embark upon monthly beach and underwater clean-up dives with our youth to give them more dive experience in a safe, controlled environment under instructor supervision whilst doing something good! Making a difference in our communities and in our ocean as a SSI Blue Oceans Centre.

  4. We want to train as many youth as possible to complete the SSI Advance Adventurer certification course. We will offer this course at the same special subsidized rate of $250 AUD per certification. You can sponsor any one of our youth that certified under phase 1 or you can again work with your own youth sponsored under phase 1 to get more dive education and training. We have already received 5 sponsorships for the Advance Adventured course and we are starting training this coming weekend.

To learn more about Dive Munda please visit http://www.divemunda.com or email dive@divemunda.com
