The Ocean is Alive: Re-visioning our Relationship with the Living Ocean

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The Ocean is Alive: Re-visioning our Relationship with the Living Ocean

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A new book by Glenn Edney, that celebrates the Ocean in all her living splendour and explores how we can re-vision our relationship with the living Ocean.

The Ocean is Alive takes the reader on a fascinating and informative voyage of discovery into the blue heart our planet, from the Ocean’s formation more than four billion years ago and the emergence of life deep below her surface, to the incredible diversity and exuberance we know today. But much more than this, it is a journey of discovery into Ocean consciousness: through the evolution of the senses, the emergence of sentient behaviour, and finally an intriguing exploration of what Glenn calls ‘Ocean Mind’.

In telling the Ocean’s story Glenn takes us beyond the science and into the depths of what it is like to be an Ocean being. Using a combination of personal experience, stories and insights from others, along with guided visualizations, he weaves a highly readable and thought provoking tale of an Ocean alive to herself, and alive to anyone willing to ‘take the plunge’.

No contemporary story of the Ocean would be complete without investigating the current threats to the Ocean’s well being. In addressing these issues Glenn presents a compelling case for recognition of the Ocean as a living being with intrinsic value far beyond the benefits she provides humanity, and offers a new vision for our relationship with the living Ocean.

Available on Amazon and affiliated sites worldwide as both paperback and kindle.

Glenn Edney is an Ocean ecologist, underwater naturalist, professional diver, sailor, teacher and author. He has been exploring the Ocean and interacting with Ocean life for more than 30 years – including running a live-aboard dive business at the renowned Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve, New Zealand and the Kingdom of Tonga where for six years he ran a diving and whale watching enterprise.

Glenn has an MSc in Holistic Science from Schumacher College and Plymouth University in the UK. His research is primarily focused on understanding the Ocean as a living system, as well as bringing together traditional indigenous Ocean knowledge and modern scientific ecological understanding. His passion for the Ocean is infectious!

Together with his wife Janey they founded Ocean Spirit with the aim of fostering in humanity a deeper and more harmonious relationship with the living Ocean.

Glenn has published two other books:

Humpack Whales of the South West Pacific
Poor Knights Wonderland: Field Guide to the Islands and Marine Reserve

Glenn and Janey live on the North East coast of New Zealand overlooking the Pacific.