Why is it free?
Save trees, save postage, save money. X-RAY MAG is free because we mail it digitally directy to you, the reader, rather than the printer. We leave the option of printing it on paper up to you. Did you know that for most magazines, most of the copy price and subscription fees collected go to cover the costs of printing, distribution and administration? We do not have these costs because X-RAY MAG is distributed over the internet. That way we can provide an unlimited publication with top-notch stories and photographs from around the world to anyone with a curious mind and a taste for adventure.
The vision behind X-RAY MAG is to educate and raise public understanding and appreciation of the underwater realm and its significance to the world. Our mission is to create a new type of dive media, rejuvenate the genre and become a significant worldwide media in our field.
How does it work?
All issues are freely available at our website at all times. Back copies are also free to download. If you subscribe (optional), we will send you a little email with the index page of each new issue when it is published and ready for download. Each issue can be downloaded in full, or in selected parts.
Who makes X-RAY MAG?
X-RAY MAG is edited and published by a group of seasoned dive media professionals with long tenures as editors of renowned brands of dive magazines. See our contacts page for further information.
Editorial profile
Our focus is the personal experience and discovery of the big and small mysteries found in the fascinating world below the surface.
The contents of X-RAY MAG are primarily centred around diving or water-related activities and travel. However, we view these experiences in a wider context than traditional dive magazines do, since there are often equally important attractions not to be missed on land when going on a dive trip, and because mixed-purpose adventures have become more popular around the globe.
Our view:
While diving equipment and related matters still have a significant place in our magazine, technology is only the means to an end. Essentially, it enables us to go and experience wonderful places on this planet.
See our Guidelines-page for more info.
We cover dive travel, environment and science, equipment, technical, sport and free diving, wrecks and conservation, profiles of interesting people in the field and underwater portfolios of emerging and established underwater photographers.
Award-winning publication