
Interview with Videographer & Composer Lorenzo Moscia

Screenshot from Lorenzo Moscia’s video Underwater World
Screenshot from Lorenzo Moscia’s video "Underwater World"

Looking at his body of work, Lorenzo Moscia appears to be a “triple-threat”—he is a photographer / videographer, composer and video editor. He is also a photojournalist and investigative reporter with a law degree, and a technical diver. X-Ray Mag interviewed him to learn more about his recent video, Underwater World, his creative process and his perspectives.

Announcing the 22nd Annual San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition

To view a trailer of the films in this year’s festival please visit

The festival consists of a selection of handpicked films, chosen by a panel of independent judges, out of more than 150 entries submitted from around the globe. Also included this year is a short interview with the winning filmmaker.