Oceanic Cornucopia

Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Cod

Atlantic cod survive without 'vital' immune genes, say scientists

According to an analysis of the Atlantic cod’s genome, scientists have discovered the fish have evolved to survive without a set of genes thought essential to the immune system. It is hoped the finding will lead to better vaccines for farmed cod and even open new avenues of medical research for human disease.

Shark cartilage products are also sold as "a natural source of protein, calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, which promote strong bones and healthy teeth, enhances metabolism, and aid enzymes in the digestion process. "

Myth debunked: Shark cartilage has no benefit in cancer

Hopes that shark cartilage would prove to be a useful treatment for cancer were not borne out in one of the most rigorously designed and executed studies of an alternative therapy ever conducted. Adding a drug derived from shark cartilage to standard cancer treatments did not improve survival among patients with late-stage lung cancer in the study.